Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Express Yourself with Funny T-Shirts

Do you always thirst for attention? Do you always want people to remember you? Well, you can do all you want to become known. One of the most popular fashion tops for men is funny t shirts. This is because guys love to show their funny side and they are able to do that without even talking when they wear a t shirt with a funny phrase or graphic. Because they are t shirts, they meet the comfort requirement as well. Wear t-shirts with good designs or funny sayings t shirts. Men differ from women in the realm of fashion. Both men and women know this - which is why most men prefer to shop alone. Men know what they like when it comes to clothing and they do not want a woman to change their style sense. Because of this independence, funny t shirts are great for men.

Funny t-shirts are funny not with its layout, on what was written there. For sure, all the people in front of you will lean closer just to see what you're shirt is saying. Statement shirts are the new black in fashion. A lot of people are wearing funny t-shirts because they represent a lot, more than just a fashion statement. Like when you say "Fat people are hard to kidnap" for sure fat people will react, keeping it to them. If you want to look funny, wear hilarious t-shirts. Make fun of the old sayings. You can also play on road signs; gay pick up lines, anything in the world you think is funny. The newer the punch line is the better. You can say anything on your funny t shirts. Because when we say funny, it is not offensive. Only dumb people get offended by the shirt.

There are many things you can put to make funny t-shirts. If you want, you can put there all stupid jokes. Funny beer shirts have always been a popular genre of tee shirt and are usually a bit of good harmless fun when worn on a night out with the boys. They are a good way of pointing fun at ourselves, or even making an important statement, but with a humorous twist so as not to sound too pompous. You can also tell to all the people how much you love sex. A little gross, but it is alright. At least you've expressed yourself. You can mock politicians. You can screw their famous lines, or their faces to become funnier. This will need you bravery. You can also claim you've had an affair with Angelina Jolie or any celebrity.

Wearing funny t-shirts can also make another statement. Some funny t-shirts make jokes about current events or politics. You can express your view on a topic while keeping it light by wearing a funny t-shirt about something in the news. You don't have to worry about offending anyone too much, because you can simply tell them, "Hey, it's just a joke". Others who share your views will be inspired to speak up and share their opinions on a serious subject in a funny way.

Funny t-shirts are great for guys of all ages because they have so many different uses. Teenagers can wear them to let their friends at school know they have a sense of humor while adults can wear them to show they still are laid back and are easy to talk to.

Funny Tees - way to speak your mind

Funny Tees are everyone's favorite these days, irrespective of gender or teens. The fabric used by funny tee shirts is the main reason for the huge demand and popularity of t-shirts. No doubts that they are extremely comfortable to wear at home and equally stylish to wear for a casual outing, but they are no more just clothing. Funny Tees have changed the way a clothing as normal as a t-shirt is perceived.

Funny Tees today have become a medium for self expression which combines words, arts and more on its designs. But before its popularity being worn as the only piece of clothing on the upper body other than undergarments it was once worn as undershirt. A t-shirt usually extends to the waist however there are many different styles as well. There are midriff t-shirts exposing some part of the body for women. Oversized tees are also very popular amongst the hip hop fanatics.

You can see the today trend is towards funny sayings t shirts having message lines that make a big impact. Some make political statements through their funny tees and some wear funny t-shirts. The best thing about funny tees is that it can lighten up anybody's day including you. Funny t-shirt is a fun way of sharing your humorous side. You get to wear your heart out. It is one way of upgrading your look.

Funny Tees are very effective in making someone's day because of the humor that's perennially imprinted on them. Just imagine funny jokes, amusing quotes and real life caricatures of well-known individuals. Most probably, some of the shirt imprints have made history and what good way of retelling them is by humorous real accounts which not only educate the people but inform them in a rather much effective way as well.

Funny Tees are fun to wear especially if you can relate to the message. Youngsters often team them up with casual clothes like’s jeans. Adding a few accessories like neck scarves for men and stoles for women adds to the look. Women can also team them with a skirts and a pair of harem pants. Funky designs are also available for the party wear purposes that are bright and colorful. Glitter additions are also used often to add to the designs. Winter wear for men like sweatshirts and sweater are also available with messages on them.

Controversial men funny tees are becoming very popular due to many different reasons. Because of what is written on the tees, firstly gets people attention, they read it, and laugh and you are noticed. It is human nature to like attention, and attention is what these tees give. Funny Tees say things that many of us think, but do not say, in case we cause a stir. This is why they are even more controversial because you are not saying it; the tee is.

Message shirts are very popular in young kids. But at times they might not realize that their shirts might be carrying messages that are offensive to others. It is very difficult to regulate such behavior. Monitoring such shirts is practically impossible. But otherwise they are a nice way of speaking your mind and spreading social messages. They are often used as corporate and contest gifts by well known brands which is an easy branding tactic and creating an image of being socially responsible towards the environment.